Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Today is another day

Or maybe yesterday is another day...or something. Its 1:11AM at the time if this writing. I've just finished looking over my benefits for next year or, more to the point, deciding how much money I will give my doctor to tell me I will die...eventually.

Just a random blurb. I really appreciate the comments you guys (and gals) leave. I can't tell you enough how much it helps to know we're not alone (and we're not). I was thinking on the way home from my martial arts class about something the instructor said. He was giving me a sort of pat on the back and made mention to the class that I'm always relaxed under pressure.

Funny thing is that I'm usually a wreck of adrenaline and uncertainty in those classes. Much like during 'attacks'. To most people (maybe everyone except my wife) I seem normal. I usually get remarks about how 'even-keeled' I am (ahoy, shape the mizzenmast and hoist the main sail). But, I'm usually a flurry of what-ifs and my mind is racing 100 miles an hour.

Maybe normal people are the same way. Maybe what looks like calm and collected is really fear uncertainty and doubt. I sure hope so. It might be mean but it'd sure make me feel better to know I'm more normal than I think I am.

P.S. While spell-checking the above it pointed out that I typed "marital arts" instead of "martial arts"...Freud would be proud.


Lacy said...

marital arts indeed...:P

Leila V. said...

I think you hit it head on.

People are so consumed with themselves and their own anxieties that they don't even notice other peoples' quirks.

I always project confidence on other people and think I'm the only wreck in town, (although I know it can't be true).