Friday, November 24, 2006

Its done

She took it better than expected.

It was much harder than I expected.

I'm with some friends right now, I'll keep everyone posted when I get some time.


Lacy said...

*virtual hug
*sigh again
*more prayers

Dave, be well. Know that you'll be attacked with anxiety, or that the potential is at least there. With any large life change, there is ample room for our emotions to sabotage our mental health. Reaffirm the good things in your life. Pray. Meditate. Eat well. Sleep well. Read something soothing. Believe in second chances. Believe in new starts. Believe in grace.

Much hope,

Leila V. said...

Wow, I'm speechless.

There was no use in waiting.

Hang in there.

Lacy said...

Found something in an old journal...don't know if it will speak to you, but I thought of you when I read it, and pray you see the sun rise.

"Even if what I do is a flop, tomorrow morning the sun is gonna come up just the same. Even if it's a flop, tomorrow evening it's gonna get darker and darker and chances are, there will be stars. The world will go right on whether I succeed or fail. So I am suddenly free in a world of amazing possibilities. I can try anything I want to try because nothing is at stake. And all this stuff we get caught up in, money, prestige, etc., all these things become pretty secondary. Because tomorrow, chances are, the sun is still gonna rise, friend. It'll still rise." -Rich Mullins

Anonymous said...

Wow. I didn't know what to say to you when I read these posts. Still don't. Wishing you all the best with this decision and prayers for you.
justanut (won't let me sign in now)