Monday, March 20, 2006

Why hath thou forsaken me?

I was thinking on the walk into work this morning.  I've heard a few people question why God would "do this to them".  Why would a supposedly loving and kind god allow people like me to suffer through a mental problem even though I attempt to be a "good boy"?

A little background on me.  I'm a Christian (if not a church goer).  I firmly believe in God and that he created the universe and all those other Judeo-Christian "things" that we're taught in Sunday school.

That is sort of where I leave off.  I'm not into pre-destination.  I very much believe that God provides free will.  So, in my mind, in order to provide free will, you have to allow things to happen on their own.

In other words he theoretically could just turn the sky green and in pink coulds put "HEY! Worship me!".  But, where is the fun in that?  More specifically, where is the free will in that?

So back to my deep thought.  I don't think God is a micromanager.  I think in order to give us free will he has to stay...hands off (there's a French word for it but I can't spell).

Anyway, that's realy my whole point.  I wasn't going anywhere with it.  Just wanted to write it down.


Anonymous said...

Christian here too, Dave. :)

Sometimes I'll focus on a particular scripture when I'm wiggin...and by golly if it doesn't do the trick. :)


Anonymous said...

Christian here too, Dave. :)

Sometimes I'll focus on a particular scripture when I'm wiggin...and by golly if it doesn't do the trick. :)
