Monday, March 27, 2006

So far so mediocre

1. Blood Pressure? Haven't checked it
2. Heart rate? Haven't worried about it
3. Cancer? No.
4. Aneurism? No.
5. Bruises? Retreating.
6. Knee Caps? We have a winner!

Knee caps have always been way down on my list of things to worry about. I mean, I don't think they serve a purpose other than protection whilst vommiting into the toilet or scrubbing the kitchen floor.

But, they hurt. From bike riding of course. I don't think (or do I...) that I have Osgood-Schlatter's Disease or knee cancer. Although its given me something to stress over. Like:

"What if I can't ride any more"
"What if I need surgery"

Etc. So, on the scale of 1 to "Oh my god I could die any day!!!!!" this is a 2. Right behind "my pinky hurts" and in front of "I have too much hair on my ankle".

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