Wednesday, March 15, 2006 what they call it

I couldn't think of a good title for this one so I lifted a Strokes song title.  Anyway.  I googled "somatoform" today.

I know hypochondriasis is a somatoform disorder but I didn't really know what that meant.

I found this:

Somatoform disorders encompass several mental health disorders in which people report physical symptoms or concerns that suggest but are not explained by a physical disorder or report a perceived defect in appearance. These symptoms or concerns cause significant distress or interfere with daily functioning.

The most commonly diagnosed somatoform disorders are somatization disorder, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, body dysmorphic disorder, and pain disorder.

Of which Hypochondriasis is:

...a disorder in which a person is preoccupied with the fear of having a serious disease.

That's putting it succinctly.  Most somatoform disorders seem to have reale pain invovled.  But it seems like hypochondriasis is more the fear of a disease than actual pain.  The article also goes on to say:

In hypochondriasis, the person's concerns about having a serious disease are often based on a misinterpretation of normal bodily functions. Examination and reassurance by a doctor do not relieve their concerns; people with hypochondriasis tend to believe that the doctor has somehow failed to find the underlying disease.

I've talked about this before.  How we aren't having symptoms of a disease necissarily (or even any real pain) but we are misinterpreting normal body function.  The real problem comes into play when we don't find comfort in the reassurance of a doctor.  So it seems that hypochondriasis could really be summed up as:

1.  Misinterpretation of a 'normal' sensation (even if this is a minor ache or pain).
2.  Mistrust of the doctor's reassurance.
3.  Anxiety or fear of a serious disease.

This is me in a nutshell (nutcase?)

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