Tuesday, March 28, 2006

5 stages of hypochondria

I know there are 5 stages of grief. I don't know what they are. Somthing about anger and auctioning or bargaining or something. I figure there are at least 5 stages of hypochondria.

1. Something's not right.
2. Holy shit, I'm gonna die!
3. My doctor doesn't believe I'm gonna die!
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3.

OK, so maybe there are only 4 steps. I think at some point, there is a fifth step. Resignation. You just resign yourself to the fact that you're sick. Not "really" sick, but a non-descriminate kind of sick. Like you have mono or something.

I read an article about this book called "Because Cowards Get Cancer, Too". I'm not going to read it, of course. But the article struck a chord. That being that even hypochondriacs eventually get sick and die. Although, its not a topic that I really dwell on any more. I tend now to focus on the immediate. What is my blood pressure RIGHT NOW? What is that pain RIGHT NOW?

This is a new development for me. I'm not sure if I like it or not. It means that the 'episodes' are much more barable becuase they don't last long but they're much more intense and difficult to control...

Man this post went from funny to depressing in 2 sentences...sorry.


Anonymous said...


I love your five stages.

Brilliant. *chuckles

Anonymous said...

I think my mom is a hypochondria.
I am an adult who has some of the same social outings as she does.

People who don't know her often try to befriend and help her "aliments". she tries to use these people to make me feel guilty for being "disconnected".

Its not that I don't care, its just I love life to much to always be so morbid.

since she has never been diagnosed as having hypochondria, and although some of her physical problems are real. she doesn't admit it is mostly in her head.

this makes it very hard for me. People seem to expect me to jump every time she cries wolf. I love my friends, and the social functions my mom and I share. But I have seriously considered leaving these functions and finding different ones that do not know my mom, so I can get away from her.

I know this sounds terriable. Is there anyone else out there that knows what I feel?

Any advise on how to love your mom, but not condone what she does for attention. And not let it get me down.

It is like she is not satisfied that this is draining her life, she wants to drown me too.