Thursday, December 28, 2006

I now have "people"

I went to see a lawyer today. Interesting, to say the least. I couldn't get over how matter-of-fact they were about everyting. Its almost like they see divorcing people everyday. Then it ocurred to me...

As I sat there pouring my heart out to two complete (female) strangers, it struck me as odd how difficult it was to put in to terms why I left. I've been struggling with this off and on now for the last month. How do you tell someone you just don't like a person any more. It seems so petty and childish. Like I should say "nanny nanny boo boo" after it.

However, they seemed to get it (they being the paralegal and the attorney). I heard their respective stories about clients or their own personal divorce and they seemed like mine, just different. I guess in some ways its comforting to hear another's story, and, in some way, it makes me sad that I've become 'one of them'.

I never thought I be divorced. I mean, I dreamed up it for a long time but I never thought I'd actually leave. Let alone have a divorce lawyer.

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