Saturday, December 23, 2006

Mr. Clean tries to kill me

I was in the process of taking a shower (and for anyone else with compulsive tendencies, you know what I mean by process). I had just gotten to step 8 in the process. This comes after rinsing my hair and before turning the water off. This is basically the step were I stand under the shower and just waste water. Yeah, I said it, waste water.

Anyway. All of a sudden I get this odd taste in my mouth. Its something between Mr. Clean and lemon-aide. This, to say the least, was quite 'disconcerting'. For those who are unfamiliar with the less common usage of this word, the Oxford dictionary defines it as:
disconcerting |ˌdiskənˈsərti ng | adjective causing one to feel unsettled
There is also a little known usage:
disconcerting |ˌdiskənˈsərti ng | adjective causing one to freak the f&^k out
Turns out, this is the one I used. I'm not quite sure what I was thinking the cause of this could be. OK, I know exactly what I was thinking. Stroke. How I came to this conclusion
is quite simple. In medical school (read: Google) we learned the following:

  • If its in your chest, its a heart attack
  • If its lumpy, its cancer
  • Anything else is a stroke
Its pretty basic stuff, really. So, when I had the odd taste I ran through the above checklist and, ta daaaa! Stroke. So, for at least 3 seconds I went through the standard checklist of things you can't possibly do when you have a stroke:

  • Smile
  • Move your fingers
  • Move your toes
  • Roll your eyes
  • Say your name
having passed all of these tests I went about my way drying off. Once I walked out of the bathroom I saw the bottle I had used on my bike ride this morning half-full of lemon-aide flavored... Hmmm, coincidence? Could be.


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to you as well. :)


Anonymous said...

ROFL! Your take on being a hypochondriac always makes me laugh - thankyou.