Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I get the workup

Today was my 6 month doctor's appointment. As you may have read previously I usually freak the f&^k out at least 1 week before this day. The pattern is something like this:

7 days out:

My calendar notifies me with Darth Vader's theme song. I panic a little but take solace in the fact that I could die before the appointment. Here's hoping!!!

6 Days out:

I get butterflies. And by butterflies I mean queasy. And by queasy I mean sick.

5 days out:

I start thinking of ways to cancel and still get my meds.

4 days out:

Oh my god oh my god oh my god

3 days out:

I get all my afairs in order

2 days out:

Praying, lots of praying. And alcohol. You'd think these would be mutually exclusive but desperate times call for desperate measures.

1 day out:

It can only be described as the sensation you might feel if confronted by a three headed dragon while standing naked in front of a crowd of strangers, giving a speech on nuclear physics.

But, today wasn't so bad. I got there early, got right in, checked the BP (130/60...weird but good I guess.) I also ended up getting the super-d-duper cholesterol test again and an EKG. Normally all of this would have given me a panic attack but it was OK. I'm assuming its because I have bigger fish to fry. We'll see if it lasts.

At some point I will get my test results back and then, look out!

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