Monday, January 22, 2007

Tag I'm it...OMG, I'm IT, I'm IT!!!!!!!

Lacy has thrown down the gauntlet. I have sprayed it with Lysol and picked it up...with forceps.

3 essentials I'd find in your purse/bag or desk

1. My Treo
2. My Mac
3. My debit card

3 people who make you laugh

1. My 'friend'
2. My room mate
3. Myself

3 fears you have

1. Fire Ants
2. Flying
3. Fire ants on a Muth$%#$# Plane!

3 goals in the coming year

1. Lose weight
2. Win a bike race
3. Not freak out

3 things that move you to tears

1. Hurting someone
2. "Titanic" (yeah, I said it. And I'll fight anyone who laughs!)
3. Onions

3 foods you love

1. Clif Bars
2. Sushi
3. General Tso's Tofu...Damn that's'a one'a spicy tofu...

3 places you've been that were beautiful

1. Maui, Hawaii
2. Linville Gorge, NC
3. Any no-name road in the middle of nowhere 5 hours into a bike ride.

3 experiences that changed you forever

1. The birth of my son (yeah, easy answer)
2. My marriage
3. My separation

3 regrets you have

1. Not going to college
2. Not starting bike riding 'til I was old
3. Having regrets at all

3 things you have to have daily

1. Email
2. Instant Messenger
3. A problem that needs fixing

3 other blogs you read

1. Beauty for Ashes
2. The perfect Hypochondriac
3. Cult of Mac


Lacy said...

"I'll never let go, Jack...I'll never let go!"

I'm with ya, there. Damn that epic drama pulling at your heartstrings!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I'll play too. Here are my answers:

3 essentials I'd find in your purse/bag or desk

1. Mini notebook, filled with lists of things that need to be done that I will never do, like write a book (that is actually on my to-do list) and symptoms to ask my doctor about next time I see him
2. USB drive/MP3 player
3. Listerine pocket packs and lipstick, the former which I always use and the latter which I always forget I have thus battle pale dry lips constantly.

3 people who make you laugh

1. My dad
2. My sweetie
3. My best friend "Be Fri" because when I was younger she and I split a "Best Friends" charm and she had the "Be Fri" part and I was "St Ends"

3 fears you have

1. Pain, psychic pain that everyone has that haunts me because I hate seeing people hurt, it makes me feel so sad and desperate. Whenever I see someone hurt I well up.
2. Loss. Losing someone I love, someone I love losing me. (Loss as in death loss, not just going-away loss.) Either way you look at it though, loss sucks.
3. Spiders. There is no reasonable explanation for this.

3 goals in the coming year

1. Get strong enough to lift my dog into the bathtub myself.
2. Start writing for real this time.
3. Would be nice to be more at ease with myself around others and not hate myself so much.

3 things that move you to tears

1. Seeing someone else cry, even if it's in a stupid commercial and they're only acting.
2. Obsessively thinking about how everyone I love will someday die.
3. This doesn't make me *cry* per se but does make my eyes water. Watching someone do something really embarrassing, like the Star Wars kid. I felt so bad for him I couldn't watch it without my eyes watering. I don't know why this happens.

3 foods you love

1. Eggplant parm
2. A good salad with spinach leaves, blue cheese, beets, chick peas and all kinds of weird stuff on it.
3. Wawa brand (no other will do) chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

3 places you've been that were beautiful

1. Puget Sound area, Washington State.
2. Yosemite and Sequoia National Park, California.
3. The Maine coastline on a ship.

3 experiences that changed you forever

1. Marriage. Also raising my first puppy. I don't have kids so that's as close as it gets right now.
2. Teaching myself my current career, learned by failing and trying again.
3. Going back to school after graduating from school so I could take classes I was too scared to take when it mattered. So my first degree is in something stupid and easy, and my second degree which I bled out my pancreas for, is in something harder which required calculus. I failed and failed but kept trying and eventually got an A in it. Now I'm up to my eyeballs in debt and not even working in my profession because I ruined my chances by failing but wouldn't you know it was one of the best things I've ever done. It helped me grow. It also was the reason I started intense therapy without which I would be curled into a fetal position now instead of responding to this post.

3 regrets you have

1. Wasting my precious time on earth worrying and hating myself instead of just living.
2. Being too scared to try things more often.
3. Not doing enough to be healthier.

3 things you have to have daily

1. I'd die w/out the computer. I need to surf and read email regularly!
2. Chocolate. Wish this wasn't the case but it is.
3. I need to read every day. I get lost in words. If I can't have that, I can't recharge.

3 other blogs you read

1. This one
2. blog about health
Anyone want to recommend any others?

Lacy said...

I recommend mine, of course, but I have a feeling I'm slightly partial. *chuckles

Lacy said...

I would recommend mine, but of course, I get the distinct feeling I may be partial. ;)

Leila at is a similar blog...very informative and honest. is pretty well known, and I read it daily! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I never knew about those other blogs. I checked them out and they are cool, I started reading them and bookmarked them for later when I don't have someone at work breathing down my back. What is your blog URL? I want to check it out. Thx for the suggestions!

Lacy said...

just click on my name and it should take you there. Or, head to

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love your website. I love it that you see beauty all around you and share it so that others may see it too. :)