Sunday, January 07, 2007

Guilt: Part Deux

My son is asleep in the other room. This makes me both happy and a little anxious. At first, I was just happy to see him and get to spend time on my terms without having to worry about getting him "home". But as the evening has worn on, I've started thinking about how he's got two homes now. Tonight is the first night of his being a child of two single parents.

Up to this point, I've been very practical about the whole thing. My mom was a single mother and I turned out 'fine'. Fine being a relative term here. But I do worry. My apartment is small, he doesnt' have his own room, I live in a second floor apartment, I have a room mate, etc. All of these are things that are different from his 'other home'. I only expect this situation temporarily. I suspect I'll find a house to rent or buy next year once I've figured out how everything works.

I think, as in my last post, I'm feeling guilty for uprooting him from his home. Maybe more on all this later. Right now I don't seem to want to blog.


Lacy said...

Ohhhh Dave. You leave me speechless sometimes. I have NO clue what to say. Not that I must comment, but since there IS a comment section, I have an obsessive compulsion to leave comments.

So, here is my non-comment comment for the day.

Glad I could be of no help. :)

dave said...

I'm not sure I even understand that. But apparently it had something to do with commenting ;)

Lacy said...

comment this, mother commentor. ;)

Lacy said...

seriously though...come back. Blog! Write it out!

Missin' your thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Nevermind about the less-than-perfect situation w/your home. The only thing that truly matters is that you are there for him. That's what he'll remember and that's what will help him through this. I slept in my dad's living room on a pull-out couch bed, in an apartment that only had a bedroom, living room and kitchen. What mattered is that he told me he loved me and he spent time with me even when I was less than loveable at times. He never wavered with his love and committment and that meant the world to me. And now that I am an adult, that's all I remember. It's shaped me and helped me seek relationships where I am valued and loved. And my relationship w/my dad is very strong. Hang in there. It's clear how much you love your son and that's really all that matters when all is said and done.

dave said...

Thanks, I really needed to hear that.