Thursday, February 09, 2006

Squandered dreams

No really. I had what I think was my first lucid dream ever last night. This is where you're actually aware that you're dreaming and can take control of it.

I'd always heard about them but never once had it happened. I'd always expected that I'd be able to fly or sleep with a supermodel or talk to God...something. Turns out, lucid dreams are just as lame as real ones. Here's what happened:

Act 1. Scene 1.

Setting: The middle of a tree lined street. Its daylight under a blue sky.

I realize somehow that I'm dreaming. I'm not sure what sparks it but it becomes apparent. So with my super human abilities and unlimited control of space time and gravity, what do I do?

I decide to see how high I can jump. About 4 times. I jump real high. And I jump right into those trees. And so then I decided I should land on something soft so I attempt to conjure up a mattress. Yes, that's right...a mattress.

And it didn't work. I tried 3 times, nothing. Then it was over. No space travel. No Heidi Klume. Nothin.

Compared to my normal dreams where I have fish for feet and converse with bowls of clam chowder, that was a let down.

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