Thursday, February 09, 2006

MSN oddities

So you may have noticed that I have a sitemeter at the bottom of this page. This is, of course, complete vanity on my part.

I'd love to say that the reason I blog is to "let it all out" or because "if I can help one person it'll all be worth it". The reality is I want people to read something I write. Otherwise you'd be reading a whole lot of:

"My tongue has been twitching today."
"My earlobes look brown."
"My right pinky toe hair is curling backwards instead of forward."

Things that, in my mind, all equal cancer. Instead, I try to be funny. This has led to visitors landing on my site due to some interesting searches. Mostly from Here's a sample:

"blood in belly button"
"katie kouric" (I can't tell you how many hits I get from that one post)
"anyeurism" (presumably because they spell as badly as I do.)
"how to deal with hypochondriacs" (man, I wish I knew)

You can see a pattern. Unfortunately no one has found my site by googling "witty commentary on our times" or "humorous articles on living with hypochondria".

No, I get "blood in my belly button". Well, narcissists can't be choosers...

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