Monday, February 20, 2006


Not much to report lately. I had a crazy moment today. I found myself all of a sudden 'checking'. This, as anyone who is a hypochondriac knows, is where we start to go over the list of 'signs' that we've learned from googling various diseases. For example:

If I'm thinking I'm having a heart attack I'll check my pulse.
If I think I'm having a stroke I'll try and wiggle my fingers and toes
If I think I'm having circulation problems I'll check the pulse in my legs or feet

Of course these are all completely useless. To be quite honest I wouldn't even know what to look for. And, if I did, I would probably freak myself out completely at the thought that I really might find something disturbing.

However in my mind, this 'checking' is reassuring. If nothing else its a way to dupe myself into believing I'm OK. Its sad, but its true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I check too! Except with my ALS fears, it's "check to see if you've lost muscle strength, can you say your words?" Hah....I empathize!