Friday, February 10, 2006

Cover my eyes and count to 10

So I have this prescription for the new drug. Drug is a harsh word. Its a vitamin. A vitamin that will apparently make me feel like a menopausal woman if I take it wrong, but its hardly a drug. I haven't started taking it yet, though.

This is the strange thing about hypochondriacs. They (I) don't want a disease any more than the next guy. They especially don't want to have to take medication to remind themselves that there is (or could be) something wrong with them. What they (yes, I) really want is for God himself (or one of the lesser cherubim, seraphim, etc.) to come down from upon high and pronounce that you are not sick nor will you be until exactly 3:14PM October 3rd, 2036.

Anything short of this (such as a doctor saying "I can't find anything wrong") will suffice. So, the idea that I have to take another pill is disconcerting to me. I don't want the pill even though I know it will probably lengthen (or at least improve the quality of) my life. Its really just another daily reminder that I'm sick (or, at least, not as well as I could be). Who needs that?

Hopefully I'll quit hiding from the drug soon so I can just get on with being (more) healthy. I can't imagine that'll be any time soon.

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