Monday, April 17, 2006

Narci...Nar...Narcisi...I'm Vain

I started this blog a while back as a supposed way to document my 'trials'.  I think even I couldn't believe that I was this messed up.  The goal was to sort of track my mental state so that I could go back and remind myself that it was all in my head.

Somehow along the way it went from something for me to something I hope other people read.  I don't know why or how.  I think I just want to know that I'm not alone and to make other people feel the same way.

Of course, that all sounds very selfless and of course, its not.  A lot of times when I sit down to write an entry, I have no idea what I'm going to do.  That's usually because I've forgotten what I had planned to write between the time I decide to write it and the time the web site loads.  Maybe if I stopped to think about it, I'd be worried that was a sign of Alzheimer's or something.

I've also noticed that I rarely have a point.  This is how I operate.  This also seems to be how I handle being a hypochondriac.  Its just a blur of diagnosis that have nothing in common and no rhyme or reason.

So, if you are reading this, I appreciate it.  I hope it helps you.  I know it helps me.


Anonymous said...

so I keep leaving you these messages, because A. You are a great writer...and B. I know exactly how you feel. Except, my diseases tend to be a little different.

Anyway...keep writing Dave. I'll be checking in often. :)


dave said...

Thanks for the post. Nice to know someone can comiserate (maybe that's spelled right, I don't know). I think at this point I've diagnosed, been on my death-bed from, and recovered from 85% of the known diseases and at least 25% of the unknown ones. Hang in there. If you "suffer" long enough you'll eventually run out of things to worry about. Of course, that's when you get bitten by a bug and get a whole new set...