Sunday, August 27, 2006

Lions and Tigers and Bugs, Oh My!

I've never really liked bugs. Being a male this has caused me some issues in my life. I'm not the kind to run screaming like a girl when I see something with more legs than a dog, but I also wouldn't be caught dead with a pet tarantula or, for that matter, any pet bug. Not necessarily cause they're creepy but, come on, they're bugs. I can't imagine you can teach them to sit, stay or fetch the paper (not that I've trained my dogs to either).

Now, however, I've got reason not to like them. They tried to kill me. Now I realize I shouldn't be indicting all bugs. I'm sure grasshoppers and daddy long legs have nothing against me. But I also didn't see them coming to my recue when I was viciously attacked by one of their bretheren.

I guess I really can't blame the bugs. It was going to be something. If it wasn't being bitten by a bug that sent me into a tizzie (if that's even how you spell it) then it would have been some nameless disease that only shows up on the 4th page of a google search. But in true freak out style I'm now constantly monitoring myself for any sign of itching or hives. I'm always trying to figure out where my epi pen is or, if its not around, who I can signal with my last gasp of air to call 911.

The only solice is that this is an identifiable and concrete 'condition'. Its not like I drempt something up one night and decided I was alergic. Of course, this goes along with hypochondria. Current theory is that we really do feel the aches and pains of our 'illness'. Its just that these are the aches and pains of being alive, not being sick. So in my case, the allergy is real, the way in which I've blown it out of proportion is what makes me a hypochondriac.


Anonymous said...

Today, at my appointment, the neurologist says to me (after describing said symptom) "Ohhh, that's very unusual." Doesn't she have any clue....kid gloves people! Handle us with kid gloves! We are delicate of mental constitution when in your care. :) She was this brusque german gal...gave me a tickle to listen to her.

I have a theory that we are more realistic when in regards to other people than ourselves...if it's rare and deadly, then of course it won't happen to sons/daughters, family can only happen to regards to your hypo by proxy...

Anonymous said...

Today, at my appointment, the neurologist says to me (after describing said symptom) "Ohhh, that's very unusual." Doesn't she have any clue....kid gloves people! Handle us with kid gloves! We are delicate of mental constitution when in your care. :) She was this brusque german gal...gave me a tickle to listen to her.

I have a theory that we are more realistic when in regards to other people than ourselves...if it's rare and deadly, then of course it won't happen to sons/daughters, family can only happen to regards to your hypo by proxy...

dave said...

Ugg. I know exactly what you mean. Its like when they look in your eye with that thing and go "Hmmm..." As if I don't already heave enough to worry about without you being ambiguous.