Friday, August 25, 2006

Hypochondria by proxy (or not)

The other day my son (who is 2) fell on our hardwood floors and hit the back of his head. He's fine. My wife on the other hand, is not. She's afraid that he has some sort of brain damage or that he's got internal bleeding.

I keep trying to explain to her (given my vast medical knowledge) how he's fine and that kinds don't get hurt like we do and that he would have shown some signs by now, etc. It didn't help that she saw a Reader's Digest article about some kid that hit his head on the corner of a table and ended up needing brain surgery.

Her concern about him I can understand. My lack of it I don't. Its not that I'm not concerned but that I'm not freaked out. It seems fairly selfish that I'm only abnormaly worried about MY health and not that of my first (and middle and last) born son. You'd think that I would freak out even more for him.

My wife (who likes to say she's a hypochondriac but has no idea what its really like) is worried about him constantly. Its always worry about cancer, or some bruise or that he's acting funny or that he's sweating or too hot. It sounds exactly like me and how I worry about myself.

Maybe that's normal. Its easier to be objective when its not you in "danger" of being sick or dying. I just wish that somehow I could get that detachment for myself.

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