Monday, August 21, 2006

Itchy and Scratchy

I'm going crazy. Now every time I itch for any reason I begin to wonder. I know I'm a hypochondriac and I know its probably all in my head but this is rediculous. I think I now have to add "phobias" to my list of illnesses (perceived or otherwise).

I wonder if there's a latin term for this. Itchiphobia? No, too easy. Pruriphobia? That could be it. At least, that's what the latin dictionary on google says is latin for itching.

Yesterday on the bike my arm started to itch and (probably from scratching it) started to get a little splotchy. This to was full blown hives. Again I started thinking about how to contact the EMS and if I left a will in a place where my wife would find it, etc. Of course while I'm thinking about all this the itch goes away. Or moves.

At least this is manageable though. Chances are I won't die of itching so that tends to not make my nuts-o-meter go off the scale. But then again, I haven't been bitten by anything more than a mosquito. For all I know I'll be mainlining Benedryl and sticking epi-pens in both my legs on the mere sight of a fire ant.

There's an ant hill in my yard. My wife brought it to my attention yesterday. I spent 5 minutes watching it waiting to see what kind of ant crawled out. Very reminicent of taking my pulse to see if I'm having palpitations or my blood pressure to see if its high...

See, I told you I'd be back before too long.

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