Monday, May 15, 2006

I'm afraid I'm getting cocky.  This usually happens to me at some point.  I start thinking that I'm "cured" and I start acting like there's nothing wrong with me.  This, you'd think, would be the goal of a hypochondriac, to be just like everyone else.

The problem is, that I'm not cured.  At some point, I'm going to lose it.  I'll be walking along and hear about how bad breath can be a sign of foot cancer and then bam, my foot will start hurting.  I don't know if this is because I let my gaurd down or if this is just how it is.

The flip side though is that I'm a mental basket case.  That's no good either.  I need to find a line between full on freak out and "what is hypochondria"?  Something that will let me remain cautiously optimistic.

Either that or I need more Zoloft...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This has helped me (a fellow hypochondriac) get through a very bad anxiety-ridden day. I have even laughed out loud. Talk about a "cure"!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts.