Thursday, December 01, 2005

And it rears its ugly head again.

All it takes is one bad 'reading' and I go nuts. Just one high blood pressure reading (which really isn't that high, but I treat it like there's a balloon in my head the size of a Macy's parade float) and I'm going nuts. Checking it repeatedly, going back through what I've eaten or done that might make it spike... It really is nuts.

And of course, there's google. If you could see my search history it would be 50% work related (no decent network engineer could survive without it) and 50% searches like:

"errors in blood pressure measurement"
"high blood pressure aneurism"
"how to measure blood pressure" (this one is especially good since I've been taking mine for at least 8 years now...
"other uses for jumper cables and peanut butter"

Maybe that last one isn't health related...

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