Monday, December 12, 2005

A fine weekend

Good weather, the kid and wife are in good moods...all in all a pretty good time. I freaked myself out Sunday with a minor google-palooza. I rode my bike for the first time in a month (until then I was riding about 100 miles a week or more but the weather hasn't allowed it). It was about 50 degrees but VERY windy. When I got back I had a nasty cough. Of course, I'm all over the internet about lunch cancer, and asthma, and some other random crazyness that I don't even recall. My google cache is so sad I have finally had to turn it off.

I did, however, find an excellent article on risk and probability. To most people this is useless information, but to someone like myself it means the world. When you're searching the internet for your disease du jour, you are invariably pelted with statistics. 1.7x the risk of a 'normal' person for this, 4% chance of dying in the next 10 years from that, etc. Its a great article about keeping risk of disease and death in context. I've mentioned it before that rationally, I know my risk of dying from cancer is something like 50x less than from being hit by a car while I'm on my bike. 3 people were killed just last month in my area on bikes. Anyway, its worth a read.

Making sense of risk information on the web

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