Monday, April 16, 2007

I came, I competed, I crashed

This weekend was 'interesting' to say the least. I had a weekend of bike races which I've been looking forward to for quite some time. I have new wheels and gears and whatnot and this was the first time I'd used them in an actual race. There were three events. Friday was a sprint, Saturday a "criterium" (which is like NASCAR on bikes), and Sunday a road race (think Tour de France). Here's how my weekend ended up.

  • Friday. I spent 2 hours warming up for a 51 second ride in which I came in last place.
  • Saturday. I ended up lining up at the back of the pack (my fault and a rookie mistake) and got dropped before the race even started. I spent the next 20 minutes trying to catch back up. I rode so hard I think my teeth were sweating. I finally gave up half way through to save up for the race on Sunday.
  • Sunday. I'm in a category for novice racers because, frankly, I'm a novice racer. However, there are apparently different categories of novice. I'm a decent rider. I hold my line, don't slam on my brakes without warning, and am generally courteous (in the confines of a race, that is). Turns out, the others weren't. I ended up wrecking 10 miles into the race. Not permanent damage and nothing broken. My bike suffered the brunt of the assault and those new wheels and whatnot? Not so good.

Throw on top of that an interesting little sort of panic attack that came out of nowhere, riding 10 miles by yourself on a busted up bike with blood streaming down various parts of your body, and you've got a great weekend.

My 'happy pills' just went generic and this is the first batch. Maybe that had something to do with it. I just didn't feel...right...all weekend. Who knows. I wouldn't call it a setback but then again, I wasn't "my best self".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The fact that you were even able to do this though is gobs better than me. Panic attack or not, you are far more brave than most folks. Plus I think the site of one's own blood warrants one in and of itself. Sorry for the crappy weekend, may next time be better. I'm rootin' for you. xo, anon