Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Dave v1.1 Beta (Codename Psycho)

I seem to be a new person. Here is a list of things that, heretofore, freaked me out:

  • Blood Pressure
  • The doctor's office
  • Airplanes
  • Ants
  • Being Alone
  • Dying of a heart attack while:
  • the shower
  • the toilet
  • my medication
  • Scary movies with creepy kids

Lately, with the exception of the last one which, I have to say, should be made illegal, I've been flaunting the rest of the rules with abandon. I haven't checked my blood pressure since I left the house. I worry about being bitten by ants but only when I see them. I like being alone and I rarely freak out thinking I'll pass out from the hot water in the shower (the sauna and jacuzzi still get me).

Traveling has been fun. And, amazingly, I've been pushing the boundaries of not taking my meds on what seems like a regular basis. This is truly something new.

I will say that last night while I was picking up a prescription at the drug store that I had a little freak out moment when I almost sat down at one of those BP machines. I had to walk to the other side of the store and read the porn...er...men's magazines until my prescription was ready...

That is why I titled this post Dave v1.1 Beta instead of v2.0... I'm not a full release better just a more advanced version. Maybe I'll have bugs...or features, if you will, that I'll have to work through. Who knows. Either way, its a step in the right direction.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whoa, that's awesome! v1.1 is doing pretty well I think, better than 1.0.

I wonder if some of your anxiety w/those things was being caused by living in a situation that wasn't healthy for you. Even though you tried to stick to it, it was bearing down on you subconsciously. I dunno. I like what I see (read) though.