Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Events of my death are greatly under-reported

So there I was...surrounded by ninjas...would you beleive, a group of angry girl scouts? OK, I'm just lazy. I try not to use this space as my "personal" blog. Meaning, I don't come on here and spill my guts about political issues, human injustice, the price of gasoline, how the Bolshevic Revolution was neith Bolshovic nor a revolution, etc.

So you can by my lack of posts that things are well. This is usually the part of the year where I have the most issues. I'm thinking, at this point, its the drugs. This is by far the longest I've ever taken anything. At the time of this writting (man that sounds professional) I've been "on the sauce" for 11 months give or take a panic attack and a couple missed doses. Heretofore (oh yeah, I said it) my longest stint was 6 months.

I'm not 100% certain why I quit taking it before. I think I saw it as a sign of weakness. As I mentioned in some of the last posts, I used to think medication was the domain of the weak. That for some reason if I was taking drugs it meant I wasn't truly better.

Well, to that, I say...duh! I'm not better. At least, not without the drugs. But, I am better with the drugs. I still have my moments. For example, this morning on the elliptical I got worried about what I swore was a "odd rhythm" in my heartbeat. Then I had a "breathing thing" that I couldn't explain if I wanted to. And believe me, I want to.

But, the key there was that it didn't freak me out for long. Miracles of modern medicine. If it wasn't for incorrectly amputated limbs and phen phen, I might think they were on to something.


Lacy said...

I'm glad you are doing better. It's unfortunate that some of our best fodder for writing comes from our moments when we are least peaceful and least in control. That stinks. So here's my solution...start writing about other stuff too. You are a talented enough writer that you can blog about way more than just your hypo episodes, and I would be more than interested in reading...

I actually admire you for keeping this blog, as I try to divert my attention away from my hypochondria when I have it, so as not to feed the BEAST! I've been on an "upswing" lately. However, certain minor chest twinges led me to believe I could be on the verge of a heart attack.

Anyway, the point being...if you like blogging, expand your topic? Like I said, I'd be a faithful reader. :)

dave said...

Scary prospect

Lacy said...

embark. ;)

Lacy said...

embark. ;)