Friday, June 02, 2006

Freakin myself out

I have a Dr. appointment on Wed.  Normal BP checkup.  Normal by other's standards, slightly worse than a hot poker in the eye to me.

I get really nervous.  I've covered this before.  doctors freak me out.  Mine doesn't even wear the lab coat, its just the whole environment.  The clinical settings, the attitudes of the nurses, the pseudo-life or death situations that the doctors seem to believe you're always in.

So to combat this I've started trying to visualize my next appointment.  This didn't work really well last time but I figured, what the hell.  So while I meditate I try to visualize the whole process.  From the walking in the door to the peeing in the cup to the getting the BP taken.

This isn't working out so well...  So far I can only get to "flipping through the 3-year old magazine" before I really start to freak out.  I figured I'd at least get into the waiting room (in my little mind) before I started getting worked up.

On the bright side, I was able to calm down and get melow again.  That was good.  Otherwise, I think its gonna suck.

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